I've been spending a LOT of time with Neliatchi, because I've been DETERMINED to become Best Pals with her. The badminton set was the last toy I hadn't bought yet, and I grabbed it during the most recent sport day. Of course, the final item ended up being her favorite. It's absolutely hilarious that she summons a circle of rackets around her, and turns the shuttlecocks into flames.
Jump to today, I gave Neliatchi a flower crown! She was ECSTATIC to wear it, she did a whole dance with lots of hearts and stars. T_T I also decorated a new couch for her, and another character randomly delivered a new dresser after that. Her room is all done now, and I think the green and white color scheme is perfect for her. Finally... I went to check our friendship status just after finishing redecorating, and... BEST PALS!!!! I'm SO excited that I'll be able to keep her around past the 7 year mark!