After Weeptchi went back to his home planet, a Tamapatchi hatched on 5/14/22. She grew into a Mimitamatchi, and then Momotchi.
She's currently 7yrs old and still with me. Honestly, I'm surprised I kept her all the way until adulthood, because I was SO distracted during my first couple days with her. T_T
She LOVES playing the violin and she's working as a barista. Peaches from the garden are some of her favorite snacks. I left her room the same as Weeptchi's, it was too perfect of a fit not to.
Because of how distracted I was early on with this generation, our friendship level isn't too great yet, but I'm working on it. I'd really like to keep her around if possible. I used to play the violin, I love coffee, and she's adorable - basically the perfect tama for me.